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On November 23, we were guests at the presentation of the FD Gazellen awards 2022 organized by the Financial Dagblad. The FD Gazellen Awards are prizes that are sent to the fastest working companies in the Netherlands. For this year — the 2022 edition — it concerns companies that see ten at least 20% revenue growth in part from 2019 to 2021, at least approximately € 250,000 in 2019 and have closed the year 2021.

Laden van vrachtwagens met retourgoederen en restpartijen

Anyone with a company and a large warehouse will recognize it; parties that remain in the warehouse and completely occupy the warehouse. You want to get rid of this as quickly as possible so that there is room for other products, but how do you go about that? Zerostock can buy up your batch trade. That way you will have enough space in your warehouse again and you will also receive a nice amount for these parties.

Magazijnstellingen verkocht aan opkoper Zerostock

Every company with a warehouse has to deal with warehouse racks. These are necessary to store all products neatly and to keep an overview. Nevertheless, it is possible that after years a renovation is planned, whereby new, better warehouse racks have been chosen. So the old positions have to be removed, but where do you put them? You could try to sell them on Marktplaats, for example, but this often has no effect. Selling the warehouse racks to a buyer such as Zerostock is a better idea in this case.

Voorbeelden van tuinartikelen uit restpartij gekocht door Zerostock

Do you have a physical store or a webshop where you specialize in garden items? Then you also have to deal with old collections, overstock and returns. This often remains, because it can no longer be sold, and it is precisely these items that ensure that your warehouse slowly starts to fill up. A waste of your space, but also of the garden items. Zerostock is a buyer of garden items, and can therefore ensure that you get your space back.

opkopen retouren en overtollige voorraad van  Amazon verkopers

Amazon is a very large company that receives many new orders every day. However, part of these orders are returned, for example because there is damage to the product or its packaging, or because the customer ordered the wrong product. These returns are then stored in the warehouse, where they often remain. Returns can no longer be sold to customers, and in this way take up an increasingly larger place within the warehouse.

We at Zerostock can buy these Amazon returns, so that you no longer have an overcrowded warehouse and the returns do not lie endlessly.

Pakketjes en bestellingen die geretourneerd worden

Every store or webshop has to deal with return items and returns. These returned goods are often too bad to sell in your own store or webshop. You can throw them away, but you can of course also sell these items to a buyer. We at Zerostock are such a party with us, you can offer the goods via our website via a valuation. With a valuation, we are guaranteed to contact you within 24 hours and we will make an offer on your return items without obligation. If you agree with the offer, we usually pay within 1 hour and collect the goods within 48 hours.

This way you don't have a warehouse full of returns and you don't have to throw away the returns, but your return items still generate money.

Partijen en restanten verkopen

Do you supply products from your own stock, but do they sell poorly? As a company, it can be very disadvantageous when you have to deal with stock that you have left over. Inventory is also calculated in your accounting, so costs can be a burden on your shoulder. In addition, the remaining stock will reduce the storage capacity of new products. Want to get rid of your inventory so you can start all over again? Have you recently been declared bankrupt and are you looking for a party to buy up the remaining stock if the company is terminated? We can help you purchase stock, so you no longer have to deal with high storage costs.

Betaling van een restpartij retourgoederen

Do you have a webshop or store and do the returned goods always remain in the warehouse? Then sell everything to Zerostock in one go. We work with both small and large companies in the purchase of return goods. We buy almost everything that falls under return goods.

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